Month: June 2022
How a made-up color blindness infiltrated the internet
Footnotes FOOTNOTE 1: ANOMYLIZE While this is not a real word, it is supposed to be derived from “-anomaly”. The proper spelling should therefore be ANOMALIZE, not ANOMYLIZE. Yes, it’s a petty thing to complain about, but it’s also indicative of the lazy naming that was happening in these simulations. It’s like they are trying…
New FAQ and Tools pages
Last week, I put together some new content for the website. I was introduced to Adobe’s new color accessibility tools and needed to highlight them somewhere, because they are an absolutely brilliant tool for facilitating colorblind-accessible design. So I made a Tools page, where I outline that and 3 other tools that I use all…
My favorite way to explain colorblindness
Last week I made a short for YouTube that I have been thinking about for awhile. The absolute quickest way to describe what is happening to colors for the colorblind… is just to squish a color wheel. Here for the reddit post with some discussion.