Author: chromaphobe

  • The colorblind are disabled

    The colorblind are disabled

    TRANSCRIPT The colorblind are disabled. This is not ragebait, this is what I believe, and I imagine if this video takes off, it’s going to be because the vast majority of you vehemently disagree with that statement… and with the help of my sister and a friend, I’m going to try and change your mind.…

  • EnChromas and screens

    Do EnChromas work on screens? There have been conflicting reports on this, even from EnChroma themselves, where I have seen them claim they would and would not work. Of course, it may well depend on the type of lens in questions, but I always thought it an interesting question. I found a paper today that…

  • Fraud, beheadings and bibliographies

    I read a fascinatingly anachronistic colorblindness article yesterday that was written in 1956, but reads much more like it was written by a millennial; in fact, it had an uncanny resemblance to the time(s) that CGP Grey lost his mind on tracking down the origin or earliest mention of the name Tiffany. If YouTube would…

  • Limits of the Visible Spectrum

    Limits of the Visible Spectrum

    Transcript + Footnotes The cosmos is a bright disco of light of every scale… a huge spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, and our pathetic little human eyeballs… can see less than 1% of it. Today on chromaphobe… Why can’t we see in the infrared or the ultraviolet? How come we can only see in the visible…

  • Can LSD help color blindness?

    Can LSD help color blindness?

    References Transcript + Footnotes Psychedelics can make you “see” pretty colors, but what are they ACTUALLY doing for your color vision? Today on Chromaphobe… can hallucinogens, psychedelics, LSD, shrooms… improve your color vision or help your colorblindness? ANECDOTES There are plenty of observations that seem to suggest this, and it’s not just your stoner roommate,…

  • 7 Ways to Cheat the Ishihara

    7 Ways to Cheat the Ishihara

    References The essay by Elsie Murray is a very interesting, short read. Transcript It can suck to be colorblind, and especially to have a clump of ugly little dots laugh at you as you realize that you will never be able to… uh, drive a train. This little Ishihara plate is often what keeps us…

  • Why do Protan & Deutan look so similar?

    Why do Protan & Deutan look so similar?

    Transcript Say hello to this pretty lady. You know what makes her prettier? Being color blind. Let’s use her to simulate some colorblindness real quick. As you probably know, since, well, you clicked on the thumbnail, there are three main types of partial colorblindness: protan, deutan and tritan. These are the forms that affect the…

  • Wiki on Color Blind Glasses

    In addition to starting my MSc last month, I’ve also been spending some time cleaning up the terrible state of color vision articles on Wikipedia. Today I published a new article, which until now was just a few lines on the colorblindness article and in the EnChroma article. Color blind glasses (color correcting glasses) now…

  • A Cure for the Colorblind: Roadmap to Gene Therapy

    A Cure for the Colorblind: Roadmap to Gene Therapy

    FOOTNOTES #1 Heredity Because the gene therapy only targets the photoreceptors, and only affects cells in the retina (and possibly other areas of the eye), the genomes of the gametes (eggs and sperm) are unaffected. This means that the new copy of the gene is not inherited by the children of the individual who received…

  • First human cured of colorblindness!?

    A paper was published at the end of August in the journal BRAIN that shows possibly that the first case of colorblindness has been cured. This comes after 13 years of apparent stagnation in gene therapy for CVD, ever since the Neitz Lab cured dichromacy in 2 squirrel monkeys in 2009. The study involves 4…