Author: chromaphobe

  • Can cops be colorblind?

    Can cops be colorblind?

    TRANSCRIPT One thing we can probably agree on, is that police should be more colorblind… but while you may be thinking colorblind in the figurative sense – less racist cops – I mean colorblind… in the literal sense… because in the majority of police forces around the world, the colorblind are restricted from becoming police…

  • The Science Behind the Ishihara Test

    The Science Behind the Ishihara Test

    Footnotes FOOTNOTE 1: CONE MOSAIC (5:07) The small changes in luminosity curve are often due to differences in the cone mosaic. The retina is made up of the four photoreceptors (3 cones and 1 rod), but these proportions change from person to person. Some people have more red cones and some more green cones, and…

  • My least favourite traffic sign

    Another short up this week. There is a traffic sign that means “give way to oncoming traffic” often seen on single-lane bridges that in europe looks similar to the sign pictured below. Since protans perceive red as darker, in many conditions, this sign can appear all black and therefore potentially be confused with a sign…

  • How a made-up color blindness infiltrated the internet

    How a made-up color blindness infiltrated the internet

    Footnotes FOOTNOTE 1: ANOMYLIZE While this is not a real word, it is supposed to be derived from “-anomaly”. The proper spelling should therefore be ANOMALIZE, not ANOMYLIZE. Yes, it’s a petty thing to complain about, but it’s also indicative of the lazy naming that was happening in these simulations. It’s like they are trying…

  • New FAQ and Tools pages

    Last week, I put together some new content for the website. I was introduced to Adobe’s new color accessibility tools and needed to highlight them somewhere, because they are an absolutely brilliant tool for facilitating colorblind-accessible design. So I made a Tools page, where I outline that and 3 other tools that I use all…

  • My favorite way to explain colorblindness

    Last week I made a short for YouTube that I have been thinking about for awhile. The absolute quickest way to describe what is happening to colors for the colorblind… is just to squish a color wheel. Here for the reddit post with some discussion.

  • Indian Universities Open Up Slightly

    The most common complaint among the color blind, is how many careers we are prohibited from having. In the west, it is common for the military, police and aviation to restrict entry to the red-green colorblind, but in the developing world, the prognosis for the colorblind is much bleaker. When I say the developing world…

  • Nocturnal Bottleneck

    Nocturnal Bottleneck

    Shownotes 1. Rhodopsin The 4 opsins that vertebrates had at the time of the cambrian explosion was just one step short of what we consider the full modern complement of opsins, which includes the 4 classes of cone opsins, plus RH1, used in Rhodopsin. Towards the end of the Cambrian, about 500 million years ago,…

  • Dutch Bike Lanes

    I made my second youtube short earlier this month about a disappointing run-in with bike lanes in Holland. Second part of the series on the evolution of color vision will come out later this weekend.

  • COVID + Anosmia

    COVID + Anosmia

    Transcript A few weeks ago, I contracted COVID. It was no weekend at Disneyland, but perhaps thanks to 3 jabs in the arm, I mostly escaped with just a bit of congestion and fatigue… but… the novel symptom for me… was the loss of smell, and I immediately realized… it felt almost perfectly equivalent to…