Genetic Recombination

Genetic Recombination is a part of meiosis where a chromosome pair will exchange portions of their DNA, which promotes genetic variation. This recombination produces cross-over points, which can happen at any location (locus) on the chromosome, including on the OPN1LW / OPN1MW genes for the L-opsin and M-opsin. These genes differ by only a few base pairs, which leads to their different Peak Sensitivities. When the recombination happens between OPN1LW and OPN1MW, a chimeric allele results that is a hybrid between the two alleles. This resulting M’-opsin or L’-opsin (M prime or L prime) will have a Peak Sensitivity between the two common forms of the opsins. These alleles are responsible for Protanomaly and Deuteranomaly.

The red and gray chromosomes are recombined