Visual Acuity

the ‘clarity’ of vision, or the ability to recognize small details with precision.

Visual acuity is limited by the minimum Receptive Field of a Photoreceptor, i.e. how tightly they can be packed into a retina. The smaller the Receptive Field, the lower than Quantum Catch of the Photoreceptor, and the more susceptible it is to noise. Therefore Visual Acuity and noise are inversely related.

There is no correlation between reduced or improved visual acuity and most forms of congenital colorblindness. However, achromats (Rod Monochromats and to a lesser degree Blue Cone Monochromats) will have a reduced Visual Acuity. While most types of Visual Acuity problems are related to refractive errors, which can be treated with eyeglasses, the reduced Visual Acuity from Achromats is related to the Retina and cannot be improved with eyeglasses. The best method for improving it, is by decreasing the brightness of light entering their retina.