Natural Color System
A Color Space from 1964 where the primary colors: black,white,red,green,yellow, &blue... parallel the Opponent Channels, and therefore claims to better represent human color perception.
Neitz Lab
A lab in the University of Washington in Seattle, run by Jay and Maureen Neitz and focusing on the mechanisms of color vision. They are most famous for their success in curing colorblindness in a squirrel monkey using Gene Therapy.
Neutral Point
The point, line or plane in a Color Space that is white or gray according to the Equal Energy definition of White. The neutral point occurs: In LMS or RGB Color Space when all values are equal.In HSV or HSL…
Notch Filter
Also Band Stop Filter or Narrowband Filter; An optical filter that blocks one wavelength (or a narrow group or band of wavelengths) of light. Applying a Notch Filter to the wavelengths that excite two photopsins simultaneously is the working principle…
Also Night Blindness; A condition that not only worsens night vision but also requires extra time to adjust from brightly lit areas to dim ones. Contrast vision may also be greatly reduced. There are several causes of Nyctalopia: Congenital: Retinitis…