


The channel of the HSV Color Space that maps brightness/darkness. All colors at a Value of zero are black. When that Value is at its maximum (equals 100%), the color is equal to the equivalent on the Chromaticity Diagram. It…


Unlike most of the other color terms, Vibrant/Vibrancy does not have a technical, quantifiable definition. However, Vibrant colors would generally be fully Saturated colors with a high Value.

Vino Optics

A manufacturer of Color Correction Lenses, which are also aimed largely at Color Normal medical professionals (such as phlebotomists). Website


An open source color map developed originally for matplotlib that is intended to maximize the comprehension of scientific figures with continuous data by the colorblind. Viridis Colorscale

Visible Spectrum

The portion of the Electromagnetic Spectrum that is visible to Color Normal humans. Practically, the Visual Range contains Wavelengths of 400-700nm (or 380-750nm in generous definitions). The visible spectrum comprises all of the Spectral Colors visible to humans, which is…

Visual Acuity

the 'clarity' of vision, or the ability to recognize small details with precision. Visual acuity is limited by the minimum Receptive Field of a Photoreceptor, i.e. how tightly they can be packed into a retina. The smaller the Receptive Field,…

Visual Cycle

The cycle that a Retinal molecule - the Chromophore in opsins - travels between being excited by a Photon, transmuting, then being refreshed in an RPE cell. The simplified steps of the Visual Cycle are: The 11-cis-Retinal (bent tail) is…

Visual-Evoked Potential

or VEP; A method for assessing the objective response to visual stimulus, by non-invasively measuring the voltage potential around the eye. This is intended to measure changes in the signal on the Phototransduction Pathway. The method is similar to Electroretinography.…

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a common name for a group of molecules that comprises Retinal, Retinol and Beta-Carotene. Humans have enzymes that can readily convert all of these forms back and forth. Vitamin A has many uses in the human body,…