

Gaming Glasses

A trendy type of glasses that are essentially a Blue Light Blocking filter, with the following alleged benefits: Reduce Digital Eye StrainSleep BetterBetter Color ContrastPrevent Dry EyesMinimize Glare However, there is no evidence supporting any of these claims, and in…


A piece of DNA that acts as a recipe for how to build a protein, such as an Opsin. Mutations of a gene is the cause of congenital (genetic) CVD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqUseNNfux4

Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy is a futuristic technology that uses viruses (viral vectors) to inject revised Genes into cells that have undesired forms (alleles) of those Genes. For example, a dysfunctional allele of the M-opsin gene leads to Deuteranopia. Replacing that with…

Genetic Recombination

Genetic Recombination is a part of meiosis where a chromosome pair will exchange portions of their DNA, which promotes genetic variation. This recombination produces cross-over points, which can happen at any location (locus) on the chromosome, including on the OPN1LW…

Genetic Testing

Genetic forms of Colorblindness can be tested for by looking directly at the Genotype to see which Alleles are present. This differs from Electroretinography which measures the Phenotype and Behavioral testing, such as the Ishihara Test. This is generally only…


In the context of color vision, the Genotype is the group of genes that encode for the Opsins. The Genotype is generally used in contrast to the Phenotype when comparing the genes to their expression. For red-green Colorblindness, the genotype…

Giles-Archer Colour Perception Unit

A simple, defunct Lantern Test, where a light bulb is shined through a rotary disc carrying six filters (dark red, red, yellow, signal green (cyan), green and clear). A slider behind the disc allows for selection of variable-sized apertures. The…


A pattern of two alternating colors. The period (spacing) and amplitude (contrast between the colors) can be varied. Gratings can be used for many purposes, but are generally used to measure Contrast Sensitivity. It is an alternative to Flicker Tests,…


A 1D Color Space where there is no chromatic variation.

Green Blind

A misleading name for Deuteranopia. The name derives probably from the red-green opponent channel, which is – by definition – skewed permanently to the far red side in Deuteranopes, typically because they are missing the M-Cones that balance the channel.…

Green Cone

A misnomer for the M Cone, so called because the cone is more sensitive to green light than the other photoreceptors.

Green Cone Monochromacy

A hypothetical form of colorblindness where the individual sees in Monochromacy (grayscale) because only one class of cone is present (M-cone). This disease is an intersection of Tritanopia (missing the gene for the S-Opsin) and Protanopia (missing the gene for…

Green Weak

A misleading name for Deuteranomaly. The name derives probably from the red-green opponent channel, which is – by definition – skewed permanently to the red side in Deutans. “Green Weak” infers that the M-Cones in Deuteranomals are someone less sensitive,…


A portmanteau of green and yellow. Individuals with red-green colorblindness have difficulty (or cannot) differentiating between green and yellow, as they are Metamers. Green and Yellow are therefore often referred to as a single color called Grellow to account for…